About Me

My photo
Kansas City, MO
I am an old, has been football player that is in constant pain from the glory days. Yeah some glory, 6-48-1. One disc partially removed and many more needing removed. I love Jesus and try to serve Him daily. I would say my life is centered around Him and I try to always be a servant of His. He has influenced my life in the past and present. I am married and have two children. I don't sleep much and therefore I have a reason to be grumpy, on occasion. I love the outdoors and watching nature. If you don't know me very well, then you will soon find out by my pictures that I love to hunt, fish and take pictures. I especially enjoy taking my friends and family hunting.

Friday, December 26, 2008


We had a great time but missed Ashley and grandma Wiggins. Soon we will be able to say Douglas too.

Enjoy the most recent family pictures.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


WOW, my dad is 75. If you know my dad, you would never believe him to be 75. He is a wonderful man who looks and acts much younger than his age. He is in my opinion and I'm sure others, the best man in the world. He would do anything to help others. He is a loving man who cares about everyone. He is a great example of a Christian man.

I just want to say Happy Birthday dad and I love you. You are the Best!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is that a KISS or what!

While deer hunting the other day, I happened to notice these two trees that are in love. I must say, I have never seen a tree kiss another tree. Boy they sure are UGLY!

"Hey honey, want a KISS?"

Monday, November 17, 2008


Another MO rifle season is upon us. Roger, Bill D. and I went to the Princeton, MO area to hunt. I was able to harvest this 10 pointer on Saturday morning at first light. Roger shot a big 10 pointer Sunday pm. I haven't seen his yet but will get a few pictures and post.

I was able to get permission to hunt this land by sending a letter to the owner who lives in Iowa on the Mississippi River area. He was very nice and we were able to talk for about 30 minutes by phone. It is so nice to have land owners who let you hunt.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I love to spend time in the woods with my bow and camera. I truly love to see God's sun rise and set. Feel the wind blow on my face on a cool day and feel the warm sun shine against my face. The colors of the leaves this Fall were fantastic.

However, the thing I like the best is seeing the animals God created and watch them as they SURVIVE in the wild.

On Monday I was able to see a turkey, six deer and one bobcat. I was able to get my camera out and take a few pictures of the deer and bobcat. Even though they were less than 20 yards from me, they never were spooked by my presence. They could hear the camera click but were never alarmed. If they would have caught my scent they would have been gone instantly. I watched the bobcat chase a squirrel around the big tree and then into the hole you see in the pictures. They are extremely fast. The squirrel lived to see another sunset but I don't know how many more it will have? As the bobcat was chasing the squirrel, a few crows were flying overhead alerting all animals of the presence of danger. Yes they were making that lovely sound I am known for making on occasion. KAW, KAW, KAW -- can you hear me Judy?

Anyway just wanted to share with you more pictures. I passed on the deer as next year he will be a nice big buck. If he makes it through rifle season.

Hope all is well and say a Prayer for Nancy. She is so dear to us all.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

KSU #78 LJHS #78

Like father like son! It amazes me how I see myself through my son. He tackles a lot the way I did. He seems to wrestle them down. As soon as I saw this picture of Brandon, I remembered this one of myself against Nebraska. He has been playing middle linebacker and having a blast. He is playing pretty good too I must say. (COUGH BRAG BRAG) I enjoy so much watching these young guys get better and play so hard. If only I could be coaching them. Enjoy the pictures and everyone else needs to blog once in a while.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Brandon's team is 3-2 now. They seem to be playing better as the year goes on. Thought I would share a few pictures from the game tonight. They won 34-0. GO JAYS!!! Oh..B made a QB sack for 10 yard loss and guess what. I was busy taking pictures of the DB. I didn't know B had come in for the play. I was so upset with myself. So was B. I was able to zoom in on him after the play. So the picture you see above is him on the bottom. It looks like it must have been more than 10 yards.
Anyway, hope all are doing good.

PS. Deer hunted twice so far and nothing. (YET)

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Thought I would make a new post. I came across these sunflower pictures I took back in September in KS. To all you farmers, (none) OK, Kansans, enjoy!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Here's one about Kourtney.

I seem to leave Kourtney out of this blog a lot. She was in the parade this past Saturday with her cheerleading group. She hurt her hand on Friday when she did a ?flip? and landed wrong. She sprained her forearm pretty bad. She no longer does gymnastics so she is into cheerleading now. GOOOOOOO JAAAAAAYYYYYSSSSSSS! = Liberty Blue Jays.

Downtown Indianapolis, IN

My son Brandon took these two pictures through the windshield of the car. (I think I have him hooked on photography.) It is amazing what a camera can catch and how by changing the settings can bring out different looks. Click on picture to enlarge. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Do people really read these?

OK folks...this is a test. Janet says a lot of people read blogs, but just don't sign them. So I'm giving everyone a test. All you have to do is respond to this blog. You don't even have to sign in. Just write your name or initials in the "leave a comment" and sign in as anonymous. I doubt if I get two people to sign this blog. So get with it and sign in.

Oh, by the way...yesterday was my birthday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2nd Annual Indy Trip

What an awesome time in Indy. It is so fun to spend time with your children. Brandon loves the Colts and I do too. We had a great trip and had a blast. The new Lucas Oil Stadium is huge and very nice.

We arrived on Saturday and made a quick trip to Cincinnati to watch the Reds play the Brewers. After the game we made the 100 mile trip back to Indy to spend the night in a Motel 8. Of course I booked the cheapest I could find. $39.00 a night. Now I know why it was so cheap. No remote control in the room. I had to go get it from the office. No phone and no alarm clock. Slight case of mold in the shower and paint pealing at top by curtain. When the ac kicked on I thought it was a truck outside starting up. I saved $$$ but I know I won't use that motel again. Brandon was proud of me for saving the $, but was not impressed either. (I think he is just spoiled with the condos.)

The game Sunday with the Colts was awesome. Even though they lost, it was still exciting. The stadium is huge and very very loud. Looks like a 3rd annual is in store for next year.

Enjoy the pictures and if you want to see more let me know and I'll forward the album to you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Where have the years gone.

Seems like just yesterday Brandon was three and holding up his arms signaling a touchdown. Now he is a Freshman at Liberty and playing football. Thought I would share just a few pictures of him and show you how much he has changed. Enjoy!! Gold jersey is 7th. Then 8th and recent one 9th.

Dad.... Does this bring back any memories?

Saturday, September 13, 2008


While in Branson, I had my camera and took a few pictures. Can you believe that? Anyway, I wanted to show you a few that I think are pretty neat. The color is just awesome and the bugs and butterfly, well.. they just add to the picture.

Enjoy. Jimmers

Friday, September 12, 2008

Branson - with grandma and parents - PRICELESS

I was able to take my parents and grandmother to Branson for a few days. It was so much fun to watch grandma having a great time. She loves to go on trips and to see Doug Gabriel and family. Doug gave us two morning shows free. We had a great time and we are ready to go again!!! Right Grandma!!!

Hope everyone is doing good and thanks for the prayers for Arlene's recovery. She is doing good.

Brandon had their first ball game but it didn't go so good.

Later Jim

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Wow has it been a busy week. Worked one day and took the next day off to go to Marysville for my aunt Genie's funeral. After the funeral I came back home. Went to work the next day and then drove back to Marysville. Since 9-1 is opening day of dove season, I had to go. Well, dove season just isn't the same without GPA Wiggins. Also, I only got 6 birds on opening day. I think we had a total of 24 between 4 guys. We have never done that bad. Too many cool days before season.

On 9-1 at about 9:30 pm, my son calls me and tells me my wife is very sick and going to the hospital. They were to call me once they knew more from the Dr. At about midnight, I get a call stating she is staying at hospital and will have her gall bladder removed in the morning. Since I was running on few hours off sleep, I decided to sleep until 5 am and get up and go back home. Arlene had surgery about noon on Tuesday and was able to go home Wed. She is still feeling "BLAH" at this time and still in some pain.

I'm thankful she is home and recovering. Thank you to those who helped care for her and visited with me. Also the many prayers. It is nice to have the extra support from others.

Hope everyone is healthy and have a great day.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Brandon and Cheifs Football

Brandon went to a Cheifs game last Saturday and had free tickets with a freind on the 50 yard line, 2nd row. He was able to see the Cardinals players really close.
Hope everyone is doing good.
Later, Jim

Only 10 more days until dove season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I must take time to show off my whole family. This is a picture of us taken in St. George Utah. Arlene and I have been married for 16 years.


OK.. Now about Kourtney...our cup cake.

She is our little princess. She is now 12 and I don't think I like the idea of her getting older. So far she is not interested in boys. THANK YOU!!!! I'm sure that will change when school starts this Fall.

She no longer is doing gymnastics as it was getting to expensive and her hip was hurting her. She was doing really good up until she had to quit. They wanted her to join the tournament team. She was bummed at first, but now she is glad to have more free time. She still goes to the gym once in a while to have fun.

Anyway, here is a picture of her from vacation in Utah.


In case you haven't seen Brandon lately, he is getting strong. He has been working out for football and it is showing. I can still (BARELY) wrestle him down. I don't think it will be much longer and I won't be able to "take" him.

Picture was taken while on vacation 2008 in Utah. Brandon age 14.
Me age ??


OK family.... I have been checking your blogs daily and I haven't found anything new. I need to move your links from "favorite" to most "non-updated." I look daily to see if anything new, but........ Feb., June...etc. You get the picture. I know we are all busy, but if that is the case, then we should have a lot to write about.

Hope everyone who reads this is having a great day. Enjoy your Summer and take a lot of pictures...they are priceless. Then share the pictures. All of us are changing so we like to see who is getting more grey hair, loosing more hair or who has changed hair styles. We also like to see how much our children are growing and changing. I'll do better myself at posting. If others update, it makes you want to update.

Bye for now.