About Me

My photo
Kansas City, MO
I am an old, has been football player that is in constant pain from the glory days. Yeah some glory, 6-48-1. One disc partially removed and many more needing removed. I love Jesus and try to serve Him daily. I would say my life is centered around Him and I try to always be a servant of His. He has influenced my life in the past and present. I am married and have two children. I don't sleep much and therefore I have a reason to be grumpy, on occasion. I love the outdoors and watching nature. If you don't know me very well, then you will soon find out by my pictures that I love to hunt, fish and take pictures. I especially enjoy taking my friends and family hunting.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


OK family.... I have been checking your blogs daily and I haven't found anything new. I need to move your links from "favorite" to most "non-updated." I look daily to see if anything new, but........ Feb., June...etc. You get the picture. I know we are all busy, but if that is the case, then we should have a lot to write about.

Hope everyone who reads this is having a great day. Enjoy your Summer and take a lot of pictures...they are priceless. Then share the pictures. All of us are changing so we like to see who is getting more grey hair, loosing more hair or who has changed hair styles. We also like to see how much our children are growing and changing. I'll do better myself at posting. If others update, it makes you want to update.

Bye for now.

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