About Me

My photo
Kansas City, MO
I am an old, has been football player that is in constant pain from the glory days. Yeah some glory, 6-48-1. One disc partially removed and many more needing removed. I love Jesus and try to serve Him daily. I would say my life is centered around Him and I try to always be a servant of His. He has influenced my life in the past and present. I am married and have two children. I don't sleep much and therefore I have a reason to be grumpy, on occasion. I love the outdoors and watching nature. If you don't know me very well, then you will soon find out by my pictures that I love to hunt, fish and take pictures. I especially enjoy taking my friends and family hunting.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Where have the years gone.

Seems like just yesterday Brandon was three and holding up his arms signaling a touchdown. Now he is a Freshman at Liberty and playing football. Thought I would share just a few pictures of him and show you how much he has changed. Enjoy!! Gold jersey is 7th. Then 8th and recent one 9th.

Dad.... Does this bring back any memories?

1 comment:

Janet said...

Yes he has changed. He looks older than 15. It's cool that he has the same #78 as you did when you played for Kansas State. Now you're talking memories. Good times, good times.