About Me

My photo
Kansas City, MO
I am an old, has been football player that is in constant pain from the glory days. Yeah some glory, 6-48-1. One disc partially removed and many more needing removed. I love Jesus and try to serve Him daily. I would say my life is centered around Him and I try to always be a servant of His. He has influenced my life in the past and present. I am married and have two children. I don't sleep much and therefore I have a reason to be grumpy, on occasion. I love the outdoors and watching nature. If you don't know me very well, then you will soon find out by my pictures that I love to hunt, fish and take pictures. I especially enjoy taking my friends and family hunting.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


112. That was the temp on the van thermometer Sat. It read 104 today. Yes it is hot here in the desert. Didn't get to do much sight seeing yet. We will head to Utah Tuesday AM and return to LV on Thursday. We have ate at 2 buffets so far and neither have been real great. Typical buffet bulk fixed food. Sure wish I had a double bacon cheeseburger with a slice of onion from mom's cafe.

The condo is really nice and the AC is cold. It is 68 in the room. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Not much else to say other than HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL DAD's. I had a great one as Kourtney wrote me a nice note/card on the church bulletin this am. We went to the Oakley BLVD c of c for church. They have a web sight. About the size of Liberty church.

Going back to condo to fix brats and burgers on the grill. YUM YUM.

Later, Jim

1 comment:

Janet said...

Forget Vegas you need to take a vacation to Steamboat Springs when it's 20* but feels like 50*. My face feels like 112* (I got sun/wind burn yesterday and was wearing sunscreen). Did Brandon ride that ride yet? Oh and by the way there is NO MORE mom's cafe' remember??? I had mom dad and Gma Jellybeans over for lunch today. ALl buffets taste the same don't they. But I bet your brats we're better!!! HAVE A FUN Vacation... I expect lots of PICTURES!!! Oh and say hi to WAYNE NEWTON (Mr. Las Vegas)for me :) I have to go comment on some more of your post HEE HEE isn't this fun??? (except the stupid WORD Verification box)