About Me

My photo
Kansas City, MO
I am an old, has been football player that is in constant pain from the glory days. Yeah some glory, 6-48-1. One disc partially removed and many more needing removed. I love Jesus and try to serve Him daily. I would say my life is centered around Him and I try to always be a servant of His. He has influenced my life in the past and present. I am married and have two children. I don't sleep much and therefore I have a reason to be grumpy, on occasion. I love the outdoors and watching nature. If you don't know me very well, then you will soon find out by my pictures that I love to hunt, fish and take pictures. I especially enjoy taking my friends and family hunting.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Vacation pictures

Pictures are on http://s73.photobucket.com/albums/i218/deerfearjo/2008%20LV%20UTAH%201/

There are a total of 5 entries of these pictures of vacation. Just keep returning to deerfearjo tab and then scroll down the titles for the ones of vacation. They are: 2008 LV and Utah. Enjoy.

Watching your son leave.

I know it is not even close, but when Brandon left on the plane Sunday for New Orleans, it made me think about a parent saying good bye to their son/daughter as they leave to go into the military. As many of you know, Brandon went to N. O. to help rebuild from the Katrina disaster. I am proud of him going and giving up a week of his summer break to help out. I have wanted to do this myself, but just never have.

I was doing fine until he looked over his shoulder for the last time as he entered to walkway to the plane. He disappeared looking over his shoulder and smiling. We made eye contact and then he was gone. (Those blue eyes. ) That was the time it hit me hard. Unlike a soldier leaving to protect us and putting himself in harms way, Brandon was going to help others and not be in a dangerous environment. To be a parent is wonderful but to see your son off to possible war has to be just totally emotionally tough. I want to thank all who read this that have served or has a son/daughter that has served. Without people like you, we wouldn't have the freedom we have now.

This event reminded me of when Brandon flew to Florida with his grandma Ross when he was only 4 or 5. Arlene and I watched the plane as it took off and we both cried. Well guess what..... I cried again Sunday. (No surprise to those who know me.) I waited about 10 minutes after his plane left the loading spot and finally saw his plane take off. I watched the plane until it disappeared from my eyes. It was then I remembered he was in GOD"S hands.

He has checked in with us several times and has been working on a roof. He said it was sad to see the condition of N. O. Please continue to pray for him and the group for safety.

Thanks Jim

Friday, June 20, 2008





Coaster at NY NY




INSANITY the ride 900 plus feet above the ground.

Well, my kids are insane! They rode the Insanity, Big Shot and Extreme. All three of these rides are on top of the Stratosphere building. These rides are way up in the air. I could hardly stand near the edge even with a fence around it. They were very nervous but they were able to do it. They rode in the front seat of the Extreme. When it dropped about 20 plus feet and they were looking down towards the ground, they were loving it. They were a little weak in the stomach if you know what I mean. Nothing a little Sprite didn't cure. If you are brave or think you are brave, then you must try these rides when the opportunity arises. They are intense. Pictures will be coming. Click on the previous post for a link to see it.

I won't rub it in, but tonight we are going to a sea food buffet. Crab legs, shrimp etc.....

Oh, don't tell the police, but I took up a new hobby on this vacation. No it's not gambling. I haven't even put 1 cent into a machine. Just $100.00. Kidding..... I don't gamble. Actually, my new hobby is "DRIVE BY SHOOTING." You should try it sometime, it's fun. What I mean is drive by PHOTO shooting. As most of you know, I take a lot of pictures. The family gets tired of taking them for me so I have mastered driving and shooting at the same time. I will admit, some of them miss their target and all I get is the dash or the sky. However, some of them actually turn out very good. I can't wait to show some of the pictures from this trip. (I don't take pictures and drive when traffic is around. I also don't look through the lense. I just point and click. I am safe when doing this mom.)

That is enough from me today. Please feel free to add a comment so I know I'm not just writing this to Mr. Blog. I'm sure the FBI will get a pop up from Mr. Blog since I mentioned "DRIVE BY SHOOTING." Anyway, hope all are doing great and talk with everyone soon.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Utah/You Tall

What a beautiful place to visit. Utah is amazing. Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park were Awesome. I have some great pictures I will share with all soon. It has been 105 plus here in Vegas but only 81 at Bryce Canyon. I want to go back. We just got back into Vegas and I'm ready to leave.

Tonight is the big night. No, not gambling, but rather for the kids to build enough braveness to tackle the ride on the stratosphere. They want to ride it after dark. I'm glad I'm not riding it!!!!!

The condos are great as expected. We wish family could be here with us.

We will be home late Sat. night. Pictures will be available Sun sometime.

Later, Jimmers

Sunday, June 15, 2008


112. That was the temp on the van thermometer Sat. It read 104 today. Yes it is hot here in the desert. Didn't get to do much sight seeing yet. We will head to Utah Tuesday AM and return to LV on Thursday. We have ate at 2 buffets so far and neither have been real great. Typical buffet bulk fixed food. Sure wish I had a double bacon cheeseburger with a slice of onion from mom's cafe.

The condo is really nice and the AC is cold. It is 68 in the room. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Not much else to say other than HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL DAD's. I had a great one as Kourtney wrote me a nice note/card on the church bulletin this am. We went to the Oakley BLVD c of c for church. They have a web sight. About the size of Liberty church.

Going back to condo to fix brats and burgers on the grill. YUM YUM.

Later, Jim

Friday, June 13, 2008

Brave or STUPID?

Brandon thinks he is brave enough to ride this. Wht do you think?



Well, I was right. Only one more sleep. I don't think 3 1/2 hours of sleep counts as a sleep. When I finally went to bed at 3 AM this morning (thanks Janet for making me create this blog) I found my daughter sleeping in my bed. We had another round of bad storms last night and she must have went to be safe with "mommy." So I had to try and sleep on my daughter's bed that is way to small. My feet were hanging over the end. I just get to bed and I hear my son talking on his cell phone. A girl called him at 3:30 am to leave him a message. He quickly hung up and went back to sleep. I didn't. It took me a while. Since Brandon had to be a football practice at 7:30. I woke up at 7 a.m. and have been up every since.

I have to get ready to mow today and pack so I will be busy. I hope everyone has a great Friday the 13Th.

I told you I would bore everyone.

Driveway parking ticket????

Raymond this one is for you. I know I should be in bed, but I just had to write this.

The top reason a person should never live in the city.

I returned home the other day from taking my lawn mower to the repair shop. I had the trailer behind my truck and knowing I had to go to Home Depot later, I just backed my trailer and truck into the driveway. Since it was lunch time, I went into the house and ate lunch. When I later got into my truck, I saw a ticket on my window. I had received a parking ticket in my driveway for blocking the sidewalk. This is on a school day at 11:52 am. Not a child in the neighborhood. Even if someone had to walk by the truck, they were still on cement and would not have to go into the street. I was not a happy camper, $38.50.

My neighbor is a cop for KC and I showed him the ticket. He told me the chief of police told them the night before that the parking patrol had been given permission to go out into neighborhoods and start patrolling. The chief said he was against this and was hoping to be able to stop it. It looks as if he wasn't! So today I go online to pay for the ticket and I can't seem to get access. So I call the # and wait on hold for about 15 minutes. I explain to the operator and give her the ticket number. She tells me they show the tag on the ticket as JMA not JM9. The officer wrote the 9 so as it looked like a small A.

So actually I didn't get a ticket, someone else with tags - - - JMA will have a warrant out for his arrest if I don't pay it. Anyway, when I get back I will have to get this all cleared up. I just thought you all might like to know what you are missing living in the city.


Some pictures to share with you.

My First Post

Can you believe it. I'm actually writing in a "blog." I guess that is what you call this. Janet said I needed to make one so here it is.

I won't have time to write much this week as the family is going on our annual vacation in one more sleep. Maybe two more sleeps. I guess I'll go to bed tonight, or this morning (12:36 am now). We are headed to Nevada and Utah. Stupid us, two of the hottest states in June. The more I sweat, the more double chin I lose.

I'll try to keep up on this thing and start sharing my thoughts for the day or month. I'm telling you now, I will probably bore everyone with hunting and fishing stories. I'll also share with everyone about my wonderful family. I have a lot of great times in the outdoors that I would like to write about. I wish I could remember them all and write a book, (YOU KNOW, SOMETHING I HAD NEVER READ..A BOOK) about all the times I shared with my grandfather, family and friends. If I could get all of you to buy one and sale just 1,000,000 each for me, I could be rich and so could you.

I hope I have used good paragraphs in this blog as I would hate for Janet to find fault in my ability to write properly. (Janet, that is why I never asked you to write a book report for me. Even back then I knew you couldn't write in paragraphs. The report would have been a 10 page paragraph.)

I need to go so I can finish getting ready to pack for vacation. We are excited. Keep us in your prayers.
