About Me

My photo
Kansas City, MO
I am an old, has been football player that is in constant pain from the glory days. Yeah some glory, 6-48-1. One disc partially removed and many more needing removed. I love Jesus and try to serve Him daily. I would say my life is centered around Him and I try to always be a servant of His. He has influenced my life in the past and present. I am married and have two children. I don't sleep much and therefore I have a reason to be grumpy, on occasion. I love the outdoors and watching nature. If you don't know me very well, then you will soon find out by my pictures that I love to hunt, fish and take pictures. I especially enjoy taking my friends and family hunting.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

KSU #78 LJHS #78

Like father like son! It amazes me how I see myself through my son. He tackles a lot the way I did. He seems to wrestle them down. As soon as I saw this picture of Brandon, I remembered this one of myself against Nebraska. He has been playing middle linebacker and having a blast. He is playing pretty good too I must say. (COUGH BRAG BRAG) I enjoy so much watching these young guys get better and play so hard. If only I could be coaching them. Enjoy the pictures and everyone else needs to blog once in a while.


Janet said...

Cool pictures Jim. I can't believe it's been 20 years already. All the many memories I have of you playing FB there. Thankful you never got seriously injuried. Looking back, was it worth it, knowing how sore you are today? We loved to watch #78 and it looks like we might be doing it again in a couple of years. Just wandering...are you going to drive to every game, like your dad and mom did???? We really need to get a nice camera.

Anonymous said...

jim my wonderful son what a neat blog. number 78 yeah.good pictures of kourtney she is a beauty. too bad you did not get the picture of brandon some dad, haha cant wait to see you all again looks like we will be coming over there for thanksgiving. miss you and arlene and the kids maybe since we got elnoras house done by the way pray we sell it. back to my original thought we can get over there someday. excuse no caps. etc etc. takes too long for old granny to find them on the keys. love mom and dad