About Me

My photo
Kansas City, MO
I am an old, has been football player that is in constant pain from the glory days. Yeah some glory, 6-48-1. One disc partially removed and many more needing removed. I love Jesus and try to serve Him daily. I would say my life is centered around Him and I try to always be a servant of His. He has influenced my life in the past and present. I am married and have two children. I don't sleep much and therefore I have a reason to be grumpy, on occasion. I love the outdoors and watching nature. If you don't know me very well, then you will soon find out by my pictures that I love to hunt, fish and take pictures. I especially enjoy taking my friends and family hunting.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I must take time to show off my whole family. This is a picture of us taken in St. George Utah. Arlene and I have been married for 16 years.


OK.. Now about Kourtney...our cup cake.

She is our little princess. She is now 12 and I don't think I like the idea of her getting older. So far she is not interested in boys. THANK YOU!!!! I'm sure that will change when school starts this Fall.

She no longer is doing gymnastics as it was getting to expensive and her hip was hurting her. She was doing really good up until she had to quit. They wanted her to join the tournament team. She was bummed at first, but now she is glad to have more free time. She still goes to the gym once in a while to have fun.

Anyway, here is a picture of her from vacation in Utah.


In case you haven't seen Brandon lately, he is getting strong. He has been working out for football and it is showing. I can still (BARELY) wrestle him down. I don't think it will be much longer and I won't be able to "take" him.

Picture was taken while on vacation 2008 in Utah. Brandon age 14.
Me age ??


OK family.... I have been checking your blogs daily and I haven't found anything new. I need to move your links from "favorite" to most "non-updated." I look daily to see if anything new, but........ Feb., June...etc. You get the picture. I know we are all busy, but if that is the case, then we should have a lot to write about.

Hope everyone who reads this is having a great day. Enjoy your Summer and take a lot of pictures...they are priceless. Then share the pictures. All of us are changing so we like to see who is getting more grey hair, loosing more hair or who has changed hair styles. We also like to see how much our children are growing and changing. I'll do better myself at posting. If others update, it makes you want to update.

Bye for now.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


OK, so after Wednesday night Bible study, a group (40) of us go to Back Yard Burger. Judy, my sister, is setting in a booth just a few feet away when someone yells there's a mouse. Of course, Judy quickly pulls her feet up onto the seat. It wasn't long until I see the mouse right behind Judy's booth by the trash can. I remain calm and watch the gross thing run towards Judy's booth and into the back of it. Judy is not liking this at all. I tell everyone that mice don't bother me anymore as it is all mind over matter. I keep my feet on the floor and continue visiting with everyone.

About ten minutes later, I get up to go into a small side room to get the kids to come into the big area to sing happy birthday to someone. As I walk into the doorway to this room, guess what? You guessed it, that stinking mouse ran right between my feet. I jumped a little....but I was fine.........until that huge man eating creator turned around and ran right to me. His eyes had blood written on them. I just knew he was coming after me. SO...... I did what all men would do to save their life. I jumped up on chair. That's right a chair, just like my dad would have done. (See dad, I remembered something you taught me as a child. You would have been proud of me.)

So.... Here I am, all 6' 3" - 245 pounds of scared to death man, standing on a chair in front of 40 people who know me. I was making a weird sound of fear for my life. They are all laughing so hard. The place was loud and people were laughing at me. (I always thought it was wrong to make fun of someone.) So.....I take it like and man and let them make fun of me. I didn't care because I knew my dad would have been standing right beside me if he was there. For that matter, Raymond and the rest of my family would have been on a chair right beside me.

I finally hop the chair back towards where I was setting and get enough bravery to get down and set at the table. These "friends" and brothers and sisters in the Lord start saying, "I thought you weren't scared of mice any more." "Mind over matter"....etc..... They were still laughing at me. It really hurt, but again, I was only doing a survival tactic my brave wonderful father taught his children. I finally got my heart rate back to normal and finished the night off without further incident.

I'm sure I will not be able to sleep tonight as I will have night mares of that huge man eating mouse coming at me. I will see those big blood thirsty eyes looking at me. If that doesn't keep me up, then the reminder of people making fun of me will. I may be scared for LIFE.

Until next time, keep your feet up off the floor until you hear that wonderful sound, "SNAP." The sound of a trap eliminating a man eating creature.